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Rendering Services…..revisited.

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  • Rendering Services…..revisited.

    I’m looking for a reputable rendering service here in the US. Could anyone please provide a reference? I currently use Rebus and I’m very happy with them, however, with the dollar continuing to tank against the Euro, it is getting a bit pricy to use them. I realize this was a topic some time ago but the discussion primary gravitated towards European based companies and I’m looking for a US based outfit.

    I contacted one outfit called “Render Titan” based in Texas but when I checked there plug-in capability, they do not support Vray Scatter or Multi-Scatter. One of things that ticked me off a bit was when I contacted them to confirm the plug-in support, they emailed me confirming they do not support Vray Scatter. That’s fine, but the guy had the balls to say the following and this is a direct quote,

    “If you are willing to cover the cost of installing the plug-in, then we would be happy to help you with your rendering needs.”

    Ok…..that’s like asking one of my perspective clients if they are willing to purchase my 3D software and apps, then I would be more then happy to do a rendering for them. What kind of half ass operation is this. They support all of the major 3D apps, but they are not willing to invest a lousy 300.00 for MS, and expand there customer base……Yea……that’s good business.

    Ok…….I’m done venting now.

    If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.


    Last edited by Smalerbi; 23-06-2011, 10:58 AM.

  • #2
    I've used respower in the past and they are very good. They also have a very competitive pricing structure and offer great support.


    My Portfolio


    • #3
      Originally posted by stevesideas View Post
      I've used respower in the past and they are very good. They also have a very competitive pricing structure and offer great support.

      Thanks..............but I may give rendercore a look. They are based in LA.


